Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ok Here we go... (Short Story Fiction: sort off...) After a long career in broadcasting I sort of semi-retired when I saw that vacant lot on the corner of Sunset & Prarie. "Hmmm", I thought." "This would make a great place for a car lot!" So I threw the rent money at what I thought would be another money losing wing of "Mitch Morgan Productions." But wait. That usually evil siren of fate smiled upon me as I unloaded a tuna boat of a '77 Caddy for three tiimes what it was worth. I tried not to feel bad as the young mother of four waved at me while she drove off in that smoke belcing machine with enough dirty diapers to mask the smell of enough hydrocarbons to make a Republican blush! As I shook my head and headed back into the office (1940's quonset hut 'borrowred' from the National Guard) my land line blew up" "Mitch? It's Lulu!." Uh, oh...I thought as I took the call from my former New York 99X producer: a 300 pound Samoan woman who would not be denied. "Hey"L" what's up? "YOU is up! Dats What!"......ok.....I cooed...give it to me. "Well the lady what bought your Caddy? is now dead & those kids are going batty!." It was thenThat I wished I had taken the gig back at the Polka Station.....(to be continued....)